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Ympäristötohtorikoulu/EnviroNet Päivitetty/Updated 17.10.2008
Tieteellisiä julkaisuja, joiden valmistumista Ympäristötohtorikoulu on edistänyt/

Scientific publications promoted by EnviroNet


Antikainen H et al 2004. Mobile information systems. In: Cybernetics and systems: An International Journal. Special Issue on Systems Modelling and Simulation for Environmental Management.

Antikainen, H et al 2004. Development of a location-based prototype application for mobile environmental information systems (MEIS). Poster. GI-Days 2004 – Geoinfromation and mobility, Münster, Germany, July 2nd 2004.

Heinimaa S & Erkinaro J 2004.Characteristics of mature male parr in the northernmost Atlantic salmon populations. Journal of Fish Biology (2004) 64

Heinimaa S 2003. Juvenile years of Atlantic salmon in the wild and in the hatchery: ecophysiological differences. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Scientiae Rerum Naturalium A 407 (väitöskirja)

Hellström K 2004. Variation in grazing tolerance and restoration of meadow plant communities. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Scientiae Rerum Naturalium A 423 (väitöskirja)

Hurme E 2008. Ecological knowledge towards sustainable forest management. Habitat requirements of the Siberian flying squirrel in Finland. (väitöskirja)

Huttunen, A. 2007: Holocene vegetation history of the Riisitunturi fell area in NE Finland, traced by the palynostratigraphy of two disgenic upland lakes. Boreal Env. Res. 12: 515–534

Jaakola L 2003. Flavonoid biosynthesis in bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.). Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Scientiae Rerum Naturalium A 404 (väitöskirja)

Jortama P 2003. Implementation of a novel pigment recovery process for a paper mill. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Technica C 194 (väitöskirja)

Karppinen P et al 2004. Return Migration of one-sea-winter Atlantic salmon in the River Tana. Journal of Fish Biology 64 (5):1179-119

Korsu K 2008. Ecology and impacts of nonnative salmonids with special reference to brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill) in North Europe. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Scientiae Rerum Naturalium A 512 (väitöskirja)

Kultti S, Oksanen P, Väliranta M 2004. Holocene tree-line, permafrost and climate dynamics in the Nenets Region, East-European Russian Arctic. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 41:1-18.

Laasonen H 2008. Preparation and Structural Characterization of Chalcogen Derivatives of 1,3,5-Triazine. University of Oulu, Report series in chemistry no. 72 (2008) (väitöskirja)

Laitinen J 2008. Vegetational and landscape level responses to water level fluctuations in Finnish, mid-boreal aapa mire – aro wetland environments. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Scientiae Rerum Naturalium A 513 (väitöskirja)

Lamppu J 2002. Scots pine needle longevity and other shoot characteristics along pollution gradients. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Scientiae Rerum Naturalium A 395 (väitöskirja)

Ruokonen M, Kvist L, Aarvak T, Markkola J et al 2004 . Population genetic structure and conservation of the Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus). Conservation Genetics 5 (4): 501-512

Markkola et al 2003. Diet selection of lesser white-fronted geese Anser erythropus at a spring staging area. Ecography 26:705-714

Oksanen P 2006. Holocene development of the Vaisjeäggi palsa mire, Finnish Lapland. Boreas 35 (1): 81-95(15) Number 1/February 2006

Oksanen P et al 2005. Holocene development and permafrost history of the Usinsk mire, northeast European Russia. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 57 (2-3): 169-187.

Oksanen P 2005. Development of palsa mires on the Northern European continent in relation to Holocene climatic and environmental changes. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Scientiae Rerum Naturalium A 446 (väitöskirja)

Paasivaara Antti 2008. Space use, habitat selection and reproductive output of breeding common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula). Acta Universitatis Ouluensis Scientiae Rerum Naturalium A 501 (väitöskirja)

Partanen S & Hellsten S 2005. Changes of emergent aquatic macrophyte cover in seven large boreal lakes in Finland with special reference to water level regulation. Fennia 183: 1, p. 57-79

Ponnikas J 2003. Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ja Kainuun EU:n aluepolitiikan toimijoiden näkemykset kestävästä kehityksestä vuosina 1995-2002. REDEC Kajaani, Research Reports 9 (väitöskirja)

Reif Vitali 2008. Birds of prey and grouse in Finland. Do avian predators limit or regulate their prey numbers? Acta Universitatis Ouluensis Scientiae Rerum Naturalium A 509 (väitöskirja)

Reif V et al 2004. Juvenile grouse in the diet of some raptors. J. Raptor Research 38 (3): 243-249Reif V et al 2004. Numerical response of common buzzards and predation rate of main and alternative prey under fluctuating food conditions. Ann. Zool. Fennici 41: 599-607

Riipinen M 2008. Sosiaalisen pääoman skaalaus. Paikallisia ja ylipaikallisia näkökulmia maankäyttöön Nellimissä, Inarissa. Nordia Geographical Publications 37:1. Oulu (väitöskirja)

Sankari M, Sillanpää M, Ala-Kaila K & Dahl O 2004. Use of secondary condensates from black liquor evaporation as process water in D0 bleaching Canadian Pulp and Paper 105(5):36-40.

Sankari M, Ala-Kaila K, Sillanpää M et al 2004. Effects of some specific organic wash loss compounds on the oxygen delignification response of softwood kraft pulp. Appita Journal 57 (3): 228-233

Sankari M et al 2004. Real wash loss compounds in oxygen delignification of softwood kraft pulp. Nord Pulp Pap Res J 19: 264-270 (3): 228-233

Sankari M 2004. Real wash loss compounds in kraft pulp delignification and bleaching. University of Oulu, Report series in Chemistry, Report No. 65 (väitöskirja)

Saravesi (os. Kuikka) K 2008. Mycorrhizal responses to defoliation of woody hosts. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Scientiae Rerum Naturalium A 510 (väitöskirja)

Sfakiotaki D 2005. Analysis of movement in sequential space. Perceiving the traditional Japanese tea and stroll garden. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Technica C 218 (väitöskirja)

Siffczyk C et al 2003. Home range size of willow tits: a response to winter habitat loss. Oecologia 136:635-642

Sillanpää M, Sankari M, Dahl O & Ala-Kaila K 2003. Real wash loss compounds in peroxide bleaching of softwood kraft pulp. Appita Journal Vol 56 No 5 p. 397-400.

Sillanpää M, Ala-Kaila K, Viirimaa M & Dahl O 2003. Behavior of certain components in the vacuum drum washer after the first D stage in ECF bleaching. Tappi Journal Vol 2 No 9 p. 18-21.

Törn Anne. Sustainability of nature-based tourism. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis Scientiae Rerum Naturalium A 498 (väitöskirja)

Törn A, Siikamäki P, Tolvanen A, Kauppila P & Rämet J 2007. Local People, Nature Conservation, and Tourism in North-eastern Finland. Ecology and Society. 23 p.

Valta-Hulkkonen K, Partanen S & Kanninen A. 2003. Remote sensing as a tool in the Aquatic Macrophyte Mapping of a Eutrophic lake: a Comparison between Visual and Digital Classification. Proc. 9th Scandinavian Research Conference on Geographical Inforamtion Science,, Espoo, Finland, p. 79-90

Valta-Hulkkonen K et al 2003/4. Assessment of bi-directional reflectance over aquatic macrophyte vegetation CIR aerial photographs. Photogrammetric Engineering & remote sensing 70(5):581-587

Valta-Hulkkonen K et al 2004.Remote sensing and GIS for detecting changes in the aquatic vegetation of a rehabilitated lake. Int. J. Remote Sensing 25(24): 5745-5758

Valta-Hulkkonen K et al 2005. Assesment of aerial phography as a method for monitoring aquatic vegetation in lakes of varying trophic status. Boreal Environment Research 10 (in press)

Valta-Hulkkonen K 2005. Remote sensing as a tool in aquatic macrophyte mapping. Nordia Geopraphical Publications Vol. 34:1. 34 p. (väitöskirja)

Yrjänä T 2003. Restoration of riverine habitat for fishes - analyses of changes in physical habitat conditions. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Technica C 188 (väitöskirja)