
Thule postgraduate education Updated 05.06.2009
Northern and Environmental Issues - grants  
Personal working and travel grants are available for all students aiming at doctoral degree at the University of Oulu. Either the thesis or the studies should include multidisciplinary elements and be connected to northern and environmental issues. Studies which integrate NorNet cooperation (http://www.nornet.oulu.fi/english/) and the research programs of the Northern and Environmental issues (Global Change in the North, Northern Land Use and Land Cover, Circumpolar Health and Wellbeing) are particularly encouraged. The working grant may be granted for up to six months at a time. The grants may be awarde also for international activities like conferences or for working periods in a foreign university or research institute.

The calls for grant applications are announced in e.g. Environet mailing list and in the widespread distribution of the University of Oulu

Grants awarded


Call for grant applications (2009)


Useful information for applicants and grantees (some in Finnish only)

Tietoja Thulen tutkijakoulutusapurahojen saajille (mm. maksaminen, selvitys, töissä yliopistolla)

Tietoja apurahaa hakeville (mm. apurahan saajan sosiaaliturva, apurahan suuruus, pakollliset vakuutukset)

Brochure about obligatory insurance for grant recipients

Application form (word)